Seeker by Arwen Elys Dayton

Full review on my blog.
I was in the mood for fantasy. I read this book’s synopsis and it seemed like one of those fantasy quest stories. The cover also made it look that way. It’s not the best cover in the world but I can imagine a fantastic story from the symbols and images on it.
When I added this one on my Goodreads account, I saw the reviews and the outlook didn’t look good. Regardless I decided to give it a try.
Seeker is the story of Quin, John and Shinobu, three teens in Scotland who are training to be “Seekers”. They’ve worked hard and have dreamt all their lives for the day they finally “graduate” their training and join the Seekers. John is not allowed to take his oath as Seeker, only Quin and Shinobu make it. It is after they take the oath as Seekers that they discover the dark secrets that come with the “job”. Quin is not happy about this and feels she needs to make things right. This leads her to a series of events that put her life at risk, take her to Hong Kong and to a parallel world that makes this story a wild ride.
I had several problems with this book. I'll list them here, I explain more on the full review on my blog.
1. Seeker is an easy and hard read at the same time.
2. The world building is not great. First you think you are in the Scottish farmlands, you feel like in a medieval setting but suddenly sci fi cars appear, and then the fantasy stuff happens, and then you are in Hong Kong but then you go through some sort of portals that take you to dark worlds.
3. My other problem is that you never know what a Seeker really is.
4. There is a teenage love triangle in the midst of all this madness, but I couldn’t really care much about the love story.
I finished reading this because I don’t like to have DNFs. I don’t plan to read any sequels of this. I see why there are so many bad reviews. Seeker is not your average alternate world’s story. I gave it two stars because I was feeling generous.
There’s nothing wrong about adults reading YA, but having read this I can say that this is a book that can’t cross the border into adult’s bookshelves. I really don’t know who I could recommend this book to. I’m going to go with: If you’re looking for a fast paced fantasy YA story that keeps you figuring out what and why from start to finish, this is the story for you.